Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I got the horse right here

Yesterday afternoon, against all reason, I bought a lottery ticket.

At certain times in my life I have been known to gamble – in casinos, pokies, race-tracks, friendly poker games, ferret races...yeah, so I like the thrill of financial risk. Possibly that’s why I’m enjoying living hand-to-mouth in unemployment without jumping hastily back to hospitality? Anyway.

Regardless of my propensity for the odd flutter, I have never bought a lottery ticket – the odds are just unplayable. Yes, some people win big, but there’s never a reasonable expectation of odds or even the guarantee of a winner!

So why now?

Despite my current lack of employment and uncertain future, I’ve been pretty positive lately. I’m feeling good about life, enjoying most hours of most days and feeling a lot of positive energy coming from wherever.

Yesterday, after speedily achieving an above average amount of my to-do list, I walked into an Optus store with a damaged iPhone 3 and a question about my contract end date. In under 30 minutes of minimal effort on my part, I walked out with a brand new iPhone 4, a better contract, and around $400 in savings on various fees and accessories. It was mostly unintended and all incredibly easy.

I subscribe to no specific religious theory, I’ve never had an overflow of faith, I don’t read horoscopes or follow the paths of the constellations, but I do entertain theories and ideas from all these concepts that in my own mindset could be seen as similar to karma, goodwill, chi-flow, the force – in fact nothing at all like them, but it’s my own system of belief and I don’t answer to you!

The point is that if things start going my way I’m not looking at the mouths of any horses bearing gifts. A friend mentioned offhand that with my luck I should buy a lottery ticket. So I did. And some numbers came up.

Now don’t get overexcited, the total win came in under $25, but it’s still a win! And when I went to collect my luck-gotten gains today the sharp-minded salesgirl suggested I put the winnings towards a ticket in the larger jackpot draw on Thursday. The price of this ticket plus the original subtracted from my winnings left me 85 cents ahead.

A sign? Perhaps. Perhaps just a keen sales ploy. But if there is such a thing as a lucky streak, I’m going to ride this wave as long as I can!

UPDATE: I didn't win anything. Sometimes a sign is just you wishing and hoping. But sometimes it's a sign...

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